Applied Science


The Department of Science and Humanities was founded in 2016 and follows the curriculum of SBTE/JUT, Ranchi. It inculcates basic knowledge in Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and English which is the foundation of Engineering education. In our Department the ethos of science and technology prevails, as it is believed that Engineering and Science are, by their very nature, humanistic and socially derived enterprises. The Department has 9 dedicated faculty members. English language is pervasive and spoken throughout the world. It is the language for all walks of life. A good command and communication in English are essential in the modern world to wield not only respect but in all business transactions. The Department of English is fully equipped with erudite faculty, a good language laboratory and other infrastructure to impart the language skills effectively. Mathematics, the queen of sciences is the basis for all branches of Science, Engineering and Technology. Any complex ideas can be logically expressed by equations and formulae. Mathematics itself is a language through which difficult problems can be addressed. The study of Physics uncovers the mysteries of nature through the knowledge of properties of matter. In the Physics laboratory adequate equipment and instruments are available for performing all types of experiments involving light and other forms of energy. The study of Chemistry is crucial in all manufacturing processes where the transformation of one form of material into another. Equally important is the study of Environmental Chemistry and Engineering, to save the globe from pollutions. Theodore Von Karman remarked that a scientist is one who ‘seeks to understand what is’ and an engineer is one who ‘seeks to create what never was’. It has become obvious therefore, the seamless merger and integration of science and engineering will yield new inter disciplinary subjects. Research work could be introduced even at the under graduate levels to build a new generation of professionals and researchers.


To establish a centre of excellence in basic sciences such as Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry that provide foundation for engineering studies and also in communication skills that helps students to express themselves effectively and to create proficient engineers who can be globally challenged in engineering fundamentals – experimental, analytical, computational and designing abilities.


Keeping the core objectives to create academic excellence in fundamental sciences, the Department of Science and Humanities aims to encourage advanced teaching learning process and quality research at individual, department and institutional level. It also endeavours to build quality based knowledge and human resource capacity.

Applied Chemistry

Applied Chemistry not only provides technologies for applications but also covers a fundamental aspect of chemistry. The Department of chemistry at the institute aims to help the students learn the fundamentals of chemistry, which will enable them to play active roles in any discipline, along with process to develop fundamental ideas toward high technology. With a team of highly qualified and dedicated faculty members who have contributed enormously in the field of research the Department covers all major areas of chemistry viz., inorganic, organic, physical and theoretical chemistry.

Applied Mathematics

Mathematics is an integral part of engineering and Engineering Mathematics is the process of applying the principles of mathematics to solve real life engineering problems. A sound knowledge of mathematical tools makes a technocrat to excel in his/her profession. The Department of Applied Mathematics with its qualified and dedicated faculties offers courses to undergraduate and post graduate students of various engineering disciplines. The curriculum has been designed in the areas of applied mathematics, computational techniques and statistics to impart sound knowledge of various mathematical tools and their applications in engineering disciplines.

Applied Physics

Physics is one of the oldest academic disciplines whose application forms the basis of many technological advances known to us. The Department of Physics at the institute aims at consolidating and broadening the understanding of its students in basic concepts of Physics thereby strengthening the foundation for the subsequent engineering courses. The Department is structured with good laboratories containing sophisticated instruments for students to perform the experiments within the academic schedule.

Technical English

The Department of Technical English primarily focuses on improving the soft skills – Communication and Personality Development for the undergraduate students. From the inception of the Institute, special care has been taken to develop language skills of those coming from rural background. The teaching methodology is activity oriented which makes teaching and learning process interesting and enhances teamwork culture within the students. The Department is well equipped with Orell Digital Language Laboratory to help the students update their language skills in English and in their academic progression. Also, the course design for language and communication lab aims at the students achieving competence in English language that would help them in getting lucrative employment. The dedicated and experienced staffs in the department strives not only to improve the language competence of the students but also in developing the personality of students through presentation skills, Seminars, Group Discussions, etc.

  • Designation : Lecturer
  • Qualification : Master of Philosophy (M.Phil) in Applied Physics, (M.Ed)
  • Designation : Lecturer
  • Qualification : Bed with Msc
  • Designation : Lecturer
  • Qualification :Ph.D.
  • Specialization : Integral transforms and Operations research
  • Subject of Interest : Complex Analysis & Differential Calculas .
  • Experience : b) 3 year 6 Months

Mr. Dinesh Kumar Mondal
  • Designation : Lecturer
  • Qualification : M.Sc , M.Tech, P.hD
  • Specialization : Integral transforms and Operations research
  • Area of Interest : Statistics Advanced numerical Analysis Operations research & computational Mechanics
  • Subject of Interest : Applied Mathematics
  • Experience : 33 years

Dr. Harish Pathak
  • Designation : Lecturer
  • Qualification : B.Ed., M.A.
  • Specialization : Linguistics” (ENGLISH)
  • Subject of Interest: Communication Skills
  • Experience : Fresher

Mrs. Garima
  • Designation : Applied science and Humanities
  • Subject: maths
  • Designation : Lecturer of English, ASH Dept, CIP
  • Max Qualification : Ph.D (Pursuing)
  • Teaching experience : 4 years.
  • Designation : Lecturer
  • Qualification : M.Sc (Mathematics) +  B.Ed
  • Subject : Lacturer of Mathematics (Applied Science and Humanities)
  • Experience : 1 year
  • Mobile : 9113173478

Kapil Dev Gorain
  • Designation : Lab-tech in Physics
  • Qualification : M.Sc in Physics
  • Condense Matter Physics
  • Total Exprience : 2 yrs. as a Lab Technician

Md. Farhan